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    How To Pack For Moving A House?

    Are you planning to relocate? Well, congratulations on packing and moving on new house. But don’t panic thinking about how to pack all the stuff because we got your back.

    Planning to move is a complete process, and we recommend planning each and every step.

    At Removalists Melbourne, we provide our clients with trustworthy packing and moving services.

    Our services include on-site assessment, wrapping and placing your stuff with all the care, and moving it safe and sound to your desired location.

    Luckily, we have some simple tips and tricks to pack all your stuff without breaking your back, fragile cutlery, or bank. We aim to mentor you through the process of packing.

    Simple Tips to Pack All Your Stuff

    Listed below are some simple ways, and by following them, you can pack all your stuff without any difficulty:

    Get Rid of Unnecessary Items

    Start your packing by getting rid of every unnecessary item at your place. Be it an old skirt or a China bowl that is seldom used. There is no point in stacking up old things that you barely use as they take place and make packing difficult.

    Instead, sell them and make some money or donate even better. In this way, you can free yourself from any extra stuff, and also, less time will be consumed during packing.

    Buy Cheap and Reasonable Packing Materials

    Get your hands on cheap and reasonable packing boxes. Yes, that is very important. You can talk to the moving company you hired and ask them about some appropriate cardboard boxes.

    There are boxes available for almost everything from glasses to flat-screen LED TVs.

    Pack One Room at a Time

    One room at a time, just like one step at a time! Pick one room and start gathering stuff around you. In this way, you can concentrate all your energy in one room.

    You will pack your stuff more efficiently instead of going through every room now and then.

    Pack a Bag of Essential Items

    Pack up a bag of all your essential items that you would need on the first night at the new place. It is very likely to get tired after moving and unloading.

    You might not find the energy to unpack all your stuff the day you move. So, make a bag and put everything you think you’d need on the first night. It will reserve you a lot of time and help you restore your energy for the next day.

    Sort Things By Category

    It’s better to sort your things by category. For instance, if you have a lot of reading material such as books and magazines, collect them and pack them in one place.

    You may use labels for each category. Get a box, label it “books,” and put all your books and journals. Doing this will help you when you’re unpacking, as you’d know which box should go where.

    We at Removalists Melbourne provide storage services to our customers too. We have storage units for the stuff you can’t take with you but can’t let go of.

    There are no additional charges or truck fees for this service. You can rely on us with your stuff.

    Choose a Suitable Day for Your Move

    Another essential task is to pick a good day for your move. If you have flexible timings, you should search for days when the moving services are cheaper.

    Make sure to employ a professional moving company that can handle all your stuff efficiently. Then look around days on their website and pick the right one.

    Create a To-do List

    Create a packing and wrapping to-do list. Enlist all the tasks you think are necessary for the process. They may include the things we have listed above.

    Make sure to carry out each task on time and then mark it done. It will make the process a lot easier and time-saving for you.

    Do you know why the parents would not let us throw the original cardboard boxes of electronic items? Because these boxes make packing easy. If you have authentic boxes of your microwave, vacuum cleaner, and flat-screen television, jackpot.

    It is way easier to wrap up this stuff in their boxes because they are fragile. If you don’t have them, you may use bubble wrap and blankets for fragile stuff.

    Get Packing and Moving Services or Ask Family and Friends for Help

    It is adequate to ask for help, especially when moving places. If you rely on your friends and family to help you pack and move, call them early and save time.

    Pack a few items little by little every day instead of rushing things for the last few days. It will only result in fatigue and chaos, and you might not be able to pack efficiently on the eleventh hour. So, try to pack a few things every day or twice to save yourself from last-minute tension.

    Carefully Pack Valuable Items

    If you keep many decoration pieces at home, then you should take out some time before the rest of the packing and wrap your delicate items with extra care. These pieces can be oddly shaped so they may require extra cushioning and taping.

    Use bubble wrap to pack your delicate and fragile items. To pack dishes, try to put them vertically; in this way, you can pack many dishes in one box.

    What to do with the leftover fruits, vegetables, and groceries in the fridge?

    You don’t want to throw away the perfect food because you’re moving.

    In this case, we recommend you stop purchasing any groceries or food items ten days before your moving day. Make meals at home and invite your friends to finish it all quickly.

    Label All Boxes 

    Label all your boxes and put numbers on them to avoid confusion.

    These are some of the recommendations for a managed packing process. We are sure that following these will help you with packing and relocating. If you want any professional help, consider our packing and moving services. Happy shifting!

    The Ultimate Guide To Moving A House

    Are you tired of living in the same place for years now? Do you want to add some new changes to your monotonous routine, but you fear that relocating is somewhat of a big task? You don’t have to lose sleep because our house movers Melbourne have your back!

    Shifting may be a huge task, and we do not deny it, but if you plan each move, it will become less stressful and more fun. Moving involves a lot of work: packing, wrapping and finding a good moving company.

    This blog will be the ultimate guide for relocating your house, and our professional removalists Melbourne will simplify it. First, you must make a timeline of the moving events in your mind.

    The moving process consists of the time before, during, and after your shifting, so plan each task accordingly.

    Before Moving

    The timeline of events begins before the move. Think of all the events that should be done before you leave your place. It includes removing unnecessary stuff at your place that you haven’t let go of yet, recruiting home movers Melbourne for smooth loading and unloading, and many more.

    Before you move out, there are some things to pay attention to. Get rid of things you no longer use; you can sell or donate all that stuff. It is not a difficult task. You must go through every room and pick out the stuff you no longer require.

    Likewise, you should coordinate clinical archives, banking articulations, and instructive records, assuming you have school-going youngsters during the cleaning-up process. Your documents will be more straightforward to move to an isolated area.

    A month before your turn, you’ll need to begin pressing, pull out to your landowner (if you’re leasing), change your location with the U.S. Postal Service, and quest for an expert trucking organization.

    Two or three weeks before your turn: Notify your youngster’s school of adjusting address and solicitation downtime from work. You ought to request around two days off. However, you might have to demand a little extra on the off chance of moving more than a few rooms.

    It is recommended to recruit cheap removalists in Melbourne for the process. It has many benefits, mainly relieving stress on a moving day. The moving companies provide many services such as packing, wrapping, furniture assembling, and loading and unloading. If you own a vehicle, they will accommodate that too.

    The next task is packing. Begin the process by room, boxing unnecessary things like enrichments, pictures, craftsmanship, and books. Make sure to mark everything so you and your movers can put things in the correct space for unloading.

    One tip is a pressing tip, which includes putting heavier things in little boxes or at the lower part of blended things boxes, taping each container for added security, and pressing each crate.

    During Moving

    Do a last sweep of your current home. Be sure nothing remains behind in the storm cellar, upper room, unfinished plumbing spaces, and cupboards. Leave things the future mortgage holder needs. These could incorporate carport entryway openers, entryway keys, and security codes.

    If you’re moving into a loft, look at the moving timetable. There might be a designated period for moving your possessions. Save a lift.

    Assuming you’re moving into a structure with various floors and need to utilize a lift, check with the front work area to ensure whether you can hold one. This will facilitate the moving system by consistently keeping a lift free for you.

    Guarantee you’re free to answer any of your mover’s inquiries. If you employ a trucking organization, make yourself accessible to point the movers in the correct heading or answer any inquiries they might have.

    This will guarantee your move goes as flawlessly as could be expected.

    The request for things brought into the new home is significant for all movers. Begin with enormous household items, for example, your parlor set, lounge area table, bedding, and bed outlines. Continue toward huge boxes and more modest things.

    If you intend to move house plants, pack the little ones in open boxes padded with paper. Bigger plants can be enclosed by plastic and got to your moving truck with string or tape.

    A moving company will know how to pack and empty their trucks. The most accommodating thing you can do is permit the house movers in Melbourne to go about their business and hold on for any inquiries they might have. It’s additionally standard practice to tip your movers.

    After moving

    You are done with most of the work here. It is now the time to relax because you have just completed the big task of relocating. But the work is not completed yet. You still have to unpack and put your stuff in your desired place.

    So, take some time out every day and set up one corner of your new home. Check out interior designing websites or Pinterest; you will find many cool and innovative ideas to decorate your home. If you have toddlers, make sure your home is baby-proof. Little by little, you will set up each corner of your house, and it will look fabulous.

    Don’t just spend all the time inside your house; instead, go out for some time and interact with your neighbours. You may invite them to your place, and you will make good friends.

    This is all about the ultimate guide to moving a house. We are confident that this blog will help you with your packing process, and you can do this with little stress.

    Hire House Movers Melbourne

    We at Move On Removals aim to provide the best moving services to our clients. Our house movers Melbourne consist of professional movers, and we provide a wide range of services like packing, wrapping, loading, unloading, furniture, vehicle assembling, and everything about it. Happy shifting!

    10 Top Tips For A Stress-free Move

    Moving a house means opening the doors to a world of thrilling new experiences, but it is not as easy as it appears. The entire activity can be quite stressful if you don’t plan each move.

    We’ve got you covered if you’re planning to move out of your house and start your new life in a new place or town.

    This blog will discuss some tips and tricks that will be very useful if you want to relocate without any stress.

    So following are ten tips that, according to us, will surely help you with a stress-free move.

    Look at our article Things To Do When Moving A House.

    Create a Map of the Proceedings

    This is the initial and foremost step. Take a writing notebook and plan your process. Jot down each step and think of stuff you should do as soon as possible.

    For example, if you have rented something from your neighbours, the first thing to do is return it.

    So, create a timeline for each event. It may seem like a submerging task to write down everything, and it’s quite possible to miss a few, but when you try to remember things, the notebook will make it much easier for you.

    Contact Utility Services

    Utility services are essential, either at your old or new place. As soon as you plan to relocate, call all your service providers, such as electricity, heat, water company, cable, and internet connections, and tell them that you plan to move out on this date so they can terminate your connection the very day.

    This will benefit you so you will not have to pay extra for utilities you no longer need. You may also transfer your cable and internet connections to the new place.

    Create a Task List for Each Room

    It may seem a little tiresome to go to each room and make a checklist. But this will prove very beneficial on the day of moving.

    Before you start packing your stuff into crates and boxes, collect all the stuff in one room at a place so that when you move into your new place, you will easily recall which stuff should be put where. After listing every room’s stuff, it’s an indicator to start packing.

    Begin the Packing Process ASAP

    To avoid fatigue in the 11th hour, starting the process as soon as possible is advisable. The reason is that it is the most overwhelming task out of the whole process.

    There are many things to remember, such as packaging and handling of fragile items, which stuff to pack earlier, and many things like these.

    It can put quite some pressure on the person moving. Therefore, we suggest you begin wrapping and packing as early as possible.

    One room at a time

    Yes, you heard it right. The famous one step at a time” also implies this in this case. We recommend you not burden yourself by going through every room repeatedly to pack your luggage. Instead, start your packing from one room.

    Put your stuff into boxes and then label which room they belong to. This way, you can efficiently manage all your rooms and won’t forget any item. So, it’s like one thing with two benefits. You can get help from movers and packers Melbourne.

    Tags on Everything

    This step is going to make your life easy. Get a good label maker because this will save up much of your time.

    Label each box of your luggage, whether it belongs to the kitchen, bedroom, dining room, or living room.

    For additional convenience, you can use colour-coded boxes for individual rooms. When you unload your stuff, you’ll know exactly which box goes into which room. Doing this will save you from the extra effort of opening each box and then taking it into the respective room.

    Inform your Close Friends and Family

    Amidst all the hustle of moving and packing, please notify your parents and close friends about your relocation. Your parents should be aware of your new address. So they can reach out to you instantly in case of any haphazard.

    You may also ask your friends to help you pack your stuff or bring you food the day you move, as you’d be very busy loading and unloading.

    Make a Pouch of Cleaning Items.

    The cleaning staff is essential; you will need them on the day of your relocation. You may need to clean up your new place or maybe put away a little dust you found in the corners.

    So, a cleaning kit should be kept aside from the luggage and easily accessible on moving days.

    Hire a Professional Moving Company

    These people are going to make the process very smooth. It is advisable to hire professional moving services Melbourne
    to load all your stuff for the moving day and drop it at your new house.

    Many fragile items require extra care even if you think you have very little stuff and can easily be shifted via your car. So, hiring house movers Melbourne for the move is recommended.

    Take Some Rest

    Many people forget about their self-care in the whole grind of relocating. It is a tiring process, and you need your energy for the big day as there will be a lot of unloading and unpacking.

    It would be best to take your entire night’s sleep the night before moving. And a good breakfast is advised the following day. After that, you’re all good for the move.

    Mentioned above are some of the top tips we think are mandatory. These will help you with stress-free relocation. If you follow these, you’ll be ahead of each task, and nothing will burden you.

    Happy shifting!

    Who To Inform When Moving A House?

    Moving to a new place is an exciting journey that involves opening the doors to a whole new world of experiences. But these joys can turn into hard work if you do not plan for each step.

    One of the most important things when planning the whole process is deciding who to inform before moving on. This list includes your immediate family members, friends, employer, colleagues, city hall, and the list goes on.

    So this blog post will discuss all the aspects of who to inform when moving from one place to another.

    Informing your family and friends

    Without a doubt, it should be the first thing on your checklist. Your parents should always be aware of your address even if they live in a remote city or town.

    When planning a move, let your parents know your new home and address so that in the event of an emergency, they can come to you at all times.

    Next, inform your closest friends, especially those living in the same area or city. You can also ask for their help packing your things.

    In an emergency, you should always know which friends to contact and it should be accessible for them to reach you.

    Informing Government officials

    You should always remember certain public administration officials to inform about your move. First comes the town hall. It includes not only the town hall of the city you are leaving but also the town hall of your new home.

    It is important to register with the new municipality so that you can access the many services offered by them.

    The new town hall will provide you with services such as changing your address on your ID and insurance documents, which may not be important at the moment but are still important for future purposes.

    They will also register you to vote in the elections at your new location which makes it easier for you to vote.

    Acknowledging your old town hall is required so that they can disconnect municipal services provided in all homes such as the waste disposal system.

    Another important function is to inform your local tax office about your relocation. It’s a simple process; you can email them or you can change your address online. You will also be notified of changes in your area of domicile.

    Changing a house does not change your social security number, rather it stays that same for the rest of your life no matter where you live. But if you change your location, it is important to inform the public security about your new address.

    This will allow them to register your new address and make any changes to their health insurance funds if needed.

    You can easily change your address to the appropriate website, with just a few clicks.

    Informing private organizations

    In addition to the public sector, certain private organizations need to be notified of your relocation, to make it easier for you. This includes your banks and local post offices. This is a mandatory step so try not to forget about it.

    Each bank has a registered address that its users have used to communicate with them. Every important announcement is made by post that they send you to your address.

    Therefore, informing the bank of your new address is necessary so that there are no unpleasant experiences. The officials may transfer you to a nearby branch in your new location.

    Your local post office also offers a fee change for address services. With this, they will redirect all your emails to your new address.

    Informing your employer

    This is a very important step in moving. Your employer or company should be at the top of the list when it comes to notifying you of your change of address.

    Although this is a world of technology and all communications are made via email and the internet, some employers can still use the post to send important information about your work.

    Informing your work environment about your moving is relatively an easier task as there are no rules and regulations for that. You can speak to your employer orally or email him or her.

    If you wish, you can also send the letter by post, to make sure it reaches the appropriate authorities. Every workplace has different doors set up for that purpose. In particular, the Department of Labor is available to resolve staff queries.

    In short, this blog was about whom you would let know when you were moving a house. We’ve covered almost every aspect of this blog post. Moving away can be daunting, and it can be frustrating.

    Therefore, it is important to make a list of all the activities. Make a map in your mind before performing the procedure. In this blog, you will find the right people to contact and inform them before you leave the area.

    Things To Do When Moving A House

    Moving a house can sometimes be stressful, therefore to make it an easy task for oneself, certain measures can be taken. In this blog, we will discuss some checklists to mark before finally moving to another place.

    You need to set a date for your relocation and make further progress concerning the date set. The task list that you will create will help you to be completely prepared before and after you have moved.

    In this way, you can avoid any tension or fatigue, or the fear of leaving anything behind.

    3 months before moving

    • Moving is a lengthy process so it will require you to take time off of your job place before and after.
    • Some workplaces also assist in relocating so don’t forget to ask your boss about that.
    • If you’re moving to a far-off neighborhood, you will probably need to shift your children’s schools too. So, do that beforehand.
    • Do your research on companies that offer moving services, talk to at least 3-4 of them and get details of their charges.
    • Go through every nook and corner of your house and identify items that you no longer require or want to sell or donate.

    1 month before moving

    • By this time, your moving company services should have been decided.
    • Start by collecting and gathering material to pack your stuff slowly. You may ask about the moving services or can arrange by other sources.
    • Always initiate the packing process with stuff that you don’t require in everyday life.
    • Get yourself familiar with the parking restrictions in your new home area. Start applying for a parking area permit if required.
    • You can not take care of your pets or children on a moving day as it would be super busy, so make arrangements for that one day.
    • Talk to your removal company and let them know about the day of relocating.
    • Inform your friends, grocery companies, and banks about your relocation.
    • Clean your old home.

    2 weeks before moving

    • Now is the time to cut the connections to the internet, television, or other utility services that you use in your old place. This way you can save some money.
    • There are many deals offered on new internet or utility connections when a family moves to a new place, so don’t forget to check them out.
    • Pay any due bills of relevant subscriptions such as magazines.
    • Inform the post office about your new address.
    • If you have borrowed something from your neighbors, it’s time to return it.

    Last few days before moving

    • Now it is a serious time because you need to focus on a lot of things.
    • Confirm your time of movement with the removal company and make sure that they are on time so that there is no delay.
    • Create boxes that contain stuff for each room. Don’t forget to label the boxes so they don’t get mixed up.
    • Make sure that all your important documents such as passports, identity cards, birth certificates, driving licenses, and insurance papers are kept in a safe file and are kept at a place where you can easily get them.

    Things to do on the last day before moving

    • Go for a stroll around your home – take as much time as needed and look at all areas.
    • Pack a couple of lunchboxes for when you get hungry during your moving day.
    • Load a crate with devices you want to unload like box cutters, scissors, and pens.
    • Ensure your telephone is completely charged as you would need to make many calls the next day.
    • Make sure you are well-rested the night before for your important day.
    • Make a stack of info for the new proprietors – incorporate guidelines for machines, contact data for service organizations, garbage assortment plan, and so on.

    On moving day

    • Wake up early and make sure to be there when the moving company reaches.
    • Pack your beds and linen stuff and mark the boxes clearly because these will be the first things to unpack.
    • Give a last thorough look at your house and see if you forgot to pack anything.
    • Check that all electrical appliances are removed and all sockets are unplugged and turned off.
    • Give an emergency contact number to the moving company and also ensure that they are fully aware of your new home location.

    After you have reached your new place

    • Phase 1 of your work is done now, now it’s time for phase 2 of completion.
    • Unload your stuff and look for any damage in fragile items.
    • Put all the stuff down together and start unpacking with the items you require immediately.
    • Check all the keys to your new place and repair them if any of them is not working.
    • Plug your electrical appliances into the switch and see if they work well.

    The unpacking process will take some amount of time. It may take up to 2 to 3 weeks. Opening up all the boxes and defining a new place for each item is a tiresome task.

    So, give yourself a break and don’t burn out from all the work. Every day pick a new corner of the house and place the required items. In this way, you can manage the whole place easily.

    Slowly you will get used to the new home/apartment. In the meanwhile, explore the area and meet your neighbors. Make new friends as it is very important.

    Take a look at the parking area and get yourself a spot for your vehicle. If you notice that there is damage or fault at the new place that you didn’t observe previously, contact the landlord or building manager and get it fixed.

    Last but not the least, relax and cherish the new environment and experiment that life brings to you.

    How to Prepare Pack & Move Home In the Melbourne

    Our goal is to be the Best Removalist in Melbourne! We have a highly trained team of skilled removalists to meet each of our customer’s unique needs. Our team of packers & movers are trained to safely pack items of varying size, value, or fragility – from fine china to cabinets & indoor & outdoor furniture.
    We can do it all for You! Call us at Move On Removals.


    Want to know how to Prepare to Pack & Move Home In the Melbourne Region!

    Move on Removals offers the following services:

    • We provide you with the security that their items will reach destination safe & secure.
    • We offer you the best standard of Moving services in Melbourne.
    • Move on Removals crew are highly trained & use the latest packaging material to wrap up the goods.
    • Move on Removals move consumer goods from a specific destination without you being present.
    • We even move your belongings with the greatest of care.
    • We will remain in contact with you to give them satisfaction and peace of mind.
    • We will provide you with our services 24/7.
    • After getting on with destination it not only shift goods but unpack and arrange them for customer.
    • Storage facilities, the Best fleet of vehicles, vans & trucks and moving tools. Domestic door to door relocation
    • Highly Trained Team of Professionals all Certified & Background Verified.-Fully Insured
      Move On Removals is the best full-service mover for completing your packing services.

    Looking to Hire a Professional team of Removalists to help you relocate?……….Then Call Move On Removals Today!

    Move On Removals, is actively supporting moving & packing services to all of our clients. Whilst COVID-19 restrictions are in place, our team will support Virtual assessments. If you require assistance, we would prefer of clients to contact us via email or phone. Our business is Covid Compliant- Move On Removals, our mission to enable better futures and measurable value for our customers, has never been more important than at times like these.
    From all of us at Move On Removals, stay healthy and stay safe. We Have Highly Trained Team of Professionals all Certified & Background Verified.-Fully Insured. Move On Removals is the best full-service mover for completing your packing services.Home Furniture Removalists and Business Removalists.

    Best Furniture Removalists Melbourne | Furniture Removals

    Move On Removals is Best Furniture Removalists Melbourne continuing to work through these questionable times.  We strive on maintaining our premium Removal and Packing Services.

    Moving houses can be a stressful time.  We usually get family and friends together to help lift the load.  Unfortunately through this pandemic we can’t resort to help of others besides removalists. In Melbourne our business is classed as an Essential service and our business is covid compliant. Even our small removals Melbourne take all the necessary precautions to provide our Professional Removals Team & you the best possible quality service & safety.

    The premium service we provide includes many vehicles ranging from a 2 Tonne Van up to a 12 Tonne Trucks that are fully stocked with the right moving tools & equipment to safely transport your belongings to the required location. Our best furniture removalists Melbourne has everything to cater for oversized deliveries to Apartments and five-Bedroom Houses & mansions, our furniture removal company handle all belongings with care.

    Premium Packing & Material Supplies service starts with two professional and experienced packers that will come into your home or office.  Room by room they will pack everything and label all boxes.


    Best Furniture Removal Company In Melbourne

    Next steps needed is to book our best removalists Melbourne to come in and start the removals, packing and loading all boxes and furniture and into the removals truck required for your move.

    The moving team will then drive to your new home or office and unload all your belongings and items on time, into the designated rooms.

    To take things to an even higher service, we can then send in our packing team to unpack all your belongings. Many clients like the idea of hassle free packing and moving and some opt for full packing unpacking service while ours request partial packing.

    So by the end of the day you can be into your new home with everything in its place.

    Its as simple as calling our friendly office staff or heading to our website to do an online enquiry and someone will endeavour to contact you within a timely manner to cater to your needs of your house or office move and provide you a quick quote.  Or if your just having some renovations done, we can have some of our removal team come in to move furniture for you.

    Superior Customer Service

    Our company is a certified removal company with years of experience in house moves and office relocations almost a decade. Over the years we have continued to maintain a premium service in the furniture removal for household and office belongings to ensure that our customers are left happy.

    You can be rest assured that we’re one of the best companies for you to choose in Melbourne Victoria because we have a number of people who have used our services and who have had a great experience in doing so. Our Google reviews and word of mouth reviews prove this through our customers testimonies and reviews. This is why we’re confident that we are the best in Melbourne Movers in the removal industry and packing service and can take care of all your needs!

    Our best furniture movers specialise in house moves ranging from a big townhouse duplexs to a small apartment/unit. We also handle office relocations quickly and in a reliable manner so your working production time doesn’t go to waste. With our strong customer-focused staff, we always strive to ensure that you get the best service delivered whilst you enjoy your new home or office.

    Although we specialise in house moves in Melbourne & surrounding suburbs, our Expert Movers & packing team are certified and able to assist with almost any type of domestic or commercial object removal, delivery or transfer. If you have a huge amount of furniture and you’re not sure if your belongings will fit in small spaces, we’ll find a way to make sure you’re taken care of. Weather we use our storage facilities or transport them to a family or friend for you.  We will have it all sorted for you.

    The options are endless, no questions will be unanswered with our fantastic friendly local Melbourne team of professionals. We offer Superior Customer Service this is backed up by our Service Excellence Awards and our quality care in being Melbourne most professional removalists.

    Melbourne House Movers – Moving Experience in Lockdown

    One more week of quietness in Melbourne post Lockdown on Businesses. Removalists in Melbourne have suffered a lot due to uncertainty from the recent Carona- virus Outbreak House Moving can be challenging itself but with the restrictions it’s nearly impossible to keep going with the trend of Moving houses in Melbourne.
    Move On Removals has been providing full Packing and Moving services in Melbourne for people who are stuck overseas. All our House Packing Specialists will go to their respective homes a day prior to Moving Furnitures; we’ll move all your belongings to either your storage or into our storage. Our office can help you to determine storage sizes, if needed we can recommend cleaners who can help with End of Lease cleaning so everything from A to B is taken care of in the best possible way.

    All our Furniture Removalists in Melbourne are well trained within the industry and we will provide you with additional support to dismantle and reassemble your items. We carry our own tools and take that extra care to your furniture that needs little extra care. Our House Packers brings all your packaging needs so the job can be easily and efficiently completed. If you think your House Moving is a nightmare then feel free to ask as many questions that will make your House Move in Melbourne a better experience than the rest of the Moving Companies in Melbourne.

    Move On Removals has the reputation to work with real estate agents, designers for selling houses etc; we endeavour to provide Melbournians the Best Moving Services in town & those removalists reviews can be viewed online – Google, Word of Mouth, Yellow Pages, Bing etc etc.
    We can also come to your 3+ bedroom houses to provide you with the most cost effective Moving Quote & these House Moving Quotes will help any individual to organise their house packing as per top company standards; also out tranined Packing Specialists help you to organise all your bits and bobs into our boxed labelled for the Best Moving Experience on the following day. Let’s make moving an experience not a headache. Move On Removal’s Removalists in Melbourne are known for their best work in business over 8 years with over 14,000 moves with over 40 employees that are trained and hired by the company.

    Moving home in Melbourne Region checklist

    If you are Moving home in Melbourne, Hire Move On Removals for best and affordable moving and packing services.

    • Confirm the date of your move
    • Give Written notice to your landlord (if you’re renting)
    • Contact your utility suppliers-Power, gas, water, Internet
    • Get quotes on your removal costs
    • Make a list of where everything is going to go in your new home
    • Pack everything and label boxes
    • Get all the essential for moving day

    You need essentials for the 1st night in your new place, so you should pack a box or two with the following things:

    • Kettle, mugs, tea, milk, coffee, sugar
    • Cleaning products, plus vacuum cleaner and bin bags
    • Phone and laptop chargers
    • Toilet roll, paper towel for kitchen
    • Doona and bedding for the first night
    • Temporary furniture – deck chairs etc.
    • Television or radio

    We make moving easy.
    We are available for 24/7 to fulfil your requirements.
    For Bookings call (03) 9636 3299 or submit a query to get a free call.

    We can quickly and easily move those heavy items and save you the headache. We will also help to troubleshoot any issues that come up related to placing big pieces of furniture inside of your new residence.
    ✔️Furniture Disassembling
    ✔️Furniture Reassembling
    ✔️Loading & Unloading

    How Can You Move House During Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Moving house during coronavirus will become easy in the upcoming months because the government has introduced new regulations. You can hire professional movers Melbourne because we have a team to manage everything.

    You can move home and manage other activities, but take care of yourself. Here are some quick points to note:

    • Take help of house association, letting agents or estate agents to find a suitable home
    • Carefully select a residential property to rent or buy
    • Prepare your property before moving in
    • Move your home with care while following all SOPs
    • With our movers and packers Melbourne, you can safely move your house. To avoid transmission of coronavirus, see these precautions:
    • Maintain a physical distance of almost 2 meters from individuals wherever possible
    • Regularly wash your hands for almost 20 seconds with warm water and soap
    • Do not touch your face
    • Disinfect and clean every surface that you and your family can touch

    If you are suspecting symptoms of coronavirus, you have to stop working and self-isolate. It is important for you and your family. The procedure of moving to a new home is completely different. People involved in the moving process should adapt to procedures and practices to avoid the spread of coronavirus.

    Nowadays, online procedures are becoming popular. You can get the advantage of virtual viewings viewing. Make sure to follow government advice on hand washing, respiratory hygiene and physical distancing. Before physically visiting a property, it will be good to prefer virtual viewings.

    Moving Company Works According to SOPs

    To move a house, try to do packing without external help. Make sure to follow standard cleaning products to clean belongings before others are involved in handling them. We have a team of professional movers Melbourne have adjusted typical procedures to ensure safe relocation.

    If you want to take our services, make sure to contact us as soon as possible before your moving day. Before inviting us to your home, it is important to keep internal doors open to decrease the chances of contact with the operators. Social distancing is important for public health.

    Make sure to wash your hands with a hand sanitizer and do not touch surfaces to decrease the transmission risk of coronavirus. Instead of providing refreshments, you have to provide hand washing facilities, such as paper towels and soaps. Avoid sharing towels because it can increase the risk of virus transmission.

    If anyone in your family is self-isolating or shielding, he/she should not participate in relocation activities. They have to maintain social distancing to keep everyone safe. We are adhered with the guidance of the government for relocation and use protective equipment.

    Our removals are instructed to decrease contact with family members and homeowners. They have to wash their hands after entering your property using paper towels. These towels must be disposed of safely. Remember, our professional movers are trained to work according to standard operating procedures.

    For your safety, we will start working with a virtual tour of your house. You will get an online estimate for relocation as per your needs.

    Contact Info:::

    135-141 Rosslyn Street, West Melbourne VIC 3003


    Each of our Big moves are project assessed 'To make the bigger moves simpler'

    23,000+ Happy Customers

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